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X-Mas Rules 2

X-Mas Rules (Page 2)

2. Base & Buffer Rules

2.1: Buffer
The maximum buffer size for bases is 15 chunks. A faction's buffer begins with the first wall outside the shell of the faction's base. Your base shell may only be a maximum of 1 chunks off of the closest world border. You are not allowed to build additional walls outside of your buffer that are directly in line with the walls on any side of your base.

1st Offense: 2 Factions Strike + Extra Walls Remove

2.2: Base Size
The maximum base size is 7x7. Minimum base size is 2x2. All spawner values must be contained within the main base shell. A faction's base shell must be at least 55 blocks tall on the y-axis. For example if your base roof is at 255, your floor must be at least y-level 200. 

Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + Base fixed to meet requirements

2.3(1): Buffer Cannons
You may have a maximum of 1 counter cannon on each side of your base within your buffer (2 maximum total within buffer). You may only have your counters 5 chunks away from your base, this means that the walls directly in line with your base wall is where you start counting the 5c from.
You may only have a maximum of 32 walls in front of your Buffer counters. You may not have a full source ocean inline with your buffer counters. You must wait 5 minutes in between switching buffer counter to the other side buffer counter
You must wait 12 minutes in between switching between a buffer counter, and a side counter

Only 1 counter cannon may be fired concurrently.

Punishment: (Illegal Counter): 1 Faction Strike + Counter Box and/or Walls Remove

2.3(3): Countering
You are only permitted to counter a cannon that is setup on your base or cannons, you are not allowed to counter a cannon which is going to shoot at a different faction's claims.
You are only allowed to counter raid from either the front using a buffer counter or from the side of a cannon box using a side-counter. You are not allowed to side-counter from the side closest to the border.
Back countering cannon boxes are strictly prohibited.

Punishment: (Back Countering): 24 hour ban + 1 Faction Strike + Cannon Box Rolled Back

2.4: Switching Bases
Factions are not allowed to switch bases after grace has ended. You must use the same base for the remainder of the map after grace. This includes if you have been attempted, or raided. You must rebuild

Punishment: 2 Faction Strikes + New base world edited out.

2.5: Corners
Factions are only allowed to claim one corner. Using alt factions to claim corners is prohibited. 
- Claiming a corner for the sole intent to sell it and not to play the map is not allowed.

1st Offence: Verbal Warning + Unclaim of unused corner
2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike

2.6: Base Distance
There must be a 50 chunk gap between opposing factions' bases. 

Punishment: Admin Discretion

2.7: Automated Wall Check System
The use of redstone check boxes or any other form of an automated system such as a discord bot to check walls is prohibited. 

First Offence: 1 Faction Strike
Second Offence: Admin Discretion

2.8: Oceans
Factions are allowed 1 chunk oceans on each side of their base. The maximum size of the ocean is 16 blocks long, and can not be split up and divided across your buffer. Senior Staff will be WorldEditing in Faction’s Oceans 

Punishment: If the offence occurs during grace period, the offending faction will have to the end of the grace period to fix any illegalities. If it occurs after grace, the offending faction will receive 2 faction strikes and the illaglities will be forcibly removed.

2.9: Cobweb Defences/OP Walls/Unbreakable Defences
The use of cobweb, pistons pushing blocks out from behind walls/boxes, banners,  or unbreakable defences is not allowed

Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + Walls Removed

2.10: F1nn5ter/Anti Nukes/Anti-Nuke Sand Walls/Regens
Any type of Finnster or regens walls are not allowed on your base or counters.

Punishment: 1 Faction Strike + Walls Removed

2.11: Bitch Claims
Do not create bitch claims around the base of other factions during grace. The defending faction has the rights to a full buffer of claims; anything outside a full buffer is not considered bitch claiming. 

Punishment: Claims removed

2.12: Border Bases
Your base is allowed up to a maximum of 1 chunk off of the border.

Punishment: Admin Discretion

2.13: Wilderness Patching / Extending Buffer & Cannonbox Walls
You are not allowed to wilderness patch and extend your walls by patching outside of your buffer. 

1st Offence: Warning + Removal of Extra Walls
2nd Offence: 1 Faction Strike + Removal of Extra Walls

2.14: Switching Counter Cannons
You may switch side counters and buffer counters every 10 minutes.

Punishment: 1 Faction Strike

2.15: Misuse of Faction Shields
Faction’s are not allowed to set their base region on anything but their base shell and buffer.

Punishment: 2 Faction Strikes

2.16: AH Selling/Excessive Sell Prices
Factions are allowed to sell spawners on the AH during grace period. Factions are not allowed to sell spawners on the AH during TNT (If you have to sell, contact a member of senior staff to monitor the auction). Factions are not allowed to sell value at excessive sell prices. This means selling spawners for $1 or significantly undercutting the value in the shop.

Punishment: AH Selling: 1 Faction Strike & value removed
Punishment: Excessive Sell Prices: Admin Discretion

2.17: Base Claims
Factions are only allowed 1 base shell and 1 base claim at any point. Factions must unclaim their base claim if they decide to move bases during grace. (Read rule 2.4 for Switching Bases info) 

Punishment: 2 Faction Strikes & New Base Claim Removed

2.18: Chimney Counters
Factions are strictly prohibited from having or making chimney counters. 

Punishment: If it occurs during grace, factions have until the end of grace to fix, warning issued. If it occurs during TNT, the punishment stated will be issued.
Punishment: 1 Faction Strikes & Counter Removed

2.19: Overstacker Counters
Factions are strictly prohibited from having or using Overstackers as counters. 

Punishment: If it occurs during grace, factions have until the end of grace to fix, warning issued. If it occurs during TNT, the punishment stated will be issued.
Punishment: 1 Faction Strike & Counter Removed

2.20: Buffer Countering On Shield/Grace
Factions are prohibited from using their buffer counter while they are on shield. If factions are on grace period while their shield is disabled, factions are allowed to side counter

1st Offence: Warning & Cannon Countered Rollbacked
2nd Offence: 1 Strike & Cannon Countered Rollbacked

2.21: Slabs On Base Walls / Cannon Boxes / Counter Boxes
Slabs are disallowed as a defense on your base buffer, cannon buffer, or counter buffer.

Punishment (Slabs on base walls): 1 Faction Strike & Extra Slabs Removed
Punishment (Slabs on counters/cannon box): 1 Faction Strike Extra Slabs Removed

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